6 Great Benefits Of Having An Encrypted Mobile Device

Encryption technology allows you to have an extra security system which ensures that any information shared does not land in the hands of unauthorized third parties. At a glance, you might not be able to notice any tangible differences between a PGP BlackBerry or ECC BlackBerry and a regular device, however, their software is significantly different. Cyber criminals and hackers will find it nearly impossible to access calls, text messages and other information shared using an ECC BlackBerry or PGP BlackBerry. Here are some amazing benefits that you will enjoy when you get an encrypted device:

1. Secure chat options

Text messages are often one of the most targeted forms of information which hackers would love to access. With an encrypted device, you will be able to enjoy fantastic security whether you are sending messages in a group chat, one-on-one conversation or even a broadcast message. You can always be assured that your messages will only be accessible to the intended recipient and no one else.

2. Better contact management

Are there certain contacts on your phone which you would want to remain hidden? When dealing with sensitive information or high-profile individuals, it is important for you to secure your contact information from prying eyes. This feature is readily available on encrypted phones since they allow you to form different categories of contacts for safer communication.

3. Vault feature

Do your have a vault or safe in your home? Whenever you have something valuable such as expensive jewelry or money, you definitely won't display it carelessly in public view. A safe ensures that your valuables remain secure at all times. In the same way, if you have a virtual vault on your phone, then you are able to keep important pictures, videos, documents and other confidential information that you would want to remain private.

4. User blocking

Have you recently ended a relationship and your former lover is now stalking you? Would you like to make sure that they are unable to contact you anymore? Well, encrypted devices allow you to block specific contacts from sending you messages or calls. This ensures that you remain secure at all times. Whenever you suspect that someone might be stalking you, always report this information to the authorities immediately so that you can obtain a restraining order against them.

5. Tamper-resistant hardware

Some hackers attempt to conduct data breaches through physical force. When you have a PGP phone, you won't have to worry about this since your device's hardware is tamper-proof.

6. Private global communication network

Are you afraid that your network provider might collude with other parties to access your information? Well, at Global Secured Sky ECC, they have an amazing private global communication network that allows you to use their devices anywhere in the world without having to grapple with additional roaming charges for your device. This ensures that all communication remains completely secured at all times regardless of where you are.

Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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